Soldiers Praying For Peace

We invite you to share your prayers and sentiments for peace with all of us here in your own language.

Prayers and sentiments

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29 entries.
Helmut Bosetti (Wachtmeister/Sergeant) from Austria wrote on 3. June 2022
I pray for peace not only for Ukraine but also for peace in other countries which do not appear in the news regularly. I pray for wisdom for all the leaders to help end the fighting and suffering. I pray for a near future where it will be possible that people from Ukraine and Russia will live together peacefully. I... Read more
I pray for peace not only for Ukraine but also for peace in other countries which do not appear in the news regularly.

I pray for wisdom for all the leaders to help end the fighting and suffering.

I pray for a near future where it will be possible that people from Ukraine and Russia will live together peacefully.

I pray for a strong Europe and a strong European Union to sustain peace on our peaceful continent.

I pray for all the people, particularly in Europe, that we learn that peace cannot be taken for granted and that sustaining peace is not for free but requires actions and investments.

Let's pray - and let's learn from history!
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Anke from Deutschland wrote on 14. April 2022
Lord, take me aside show me the vastness in which is my heart should reflect and don't let me perish. Lord, take me aside bring me back on the real track of love and des Light - let me not alone. Lord, take me aside in the dangers and the nights of death. Watch and pray with me so that... Read more
take me aside
show me the vastness
in which is my heart
should reflect
and don't let me

take me aside
bring me back
on the real track
of love and des
Light - let me
not alone.

take me aside
in the dangers and
the nights of death.
Watch and pray
with me so that I
don't despair.

take me aside
and tell me
your miracles and
paths and dive
me in the light
of the love.
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Officer Master Sergeant F. X. Black-Brown from Texas wrote on 12. April 2022
Even the KKK prays with you
Even the KKK prays with you
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Gfr Moritz Mittermann - Kartellsenior des MKV from Österreich wrote on 3. April 2022
Guter Gott, hilf den Menschen in der Urkaine ihre Hoffnung zu bewahren und strecke deine schützende Hand über sie. Wir bitten dich, lass diesen Krieg bald enden, damit wieder Frieden einkehren kann. Wir bitten dich erhöre uns!
Guter Gott, hilf den Menschen in der Urkaine ihre Hoffnung zu bewahren und strecke deine schützende Hand über sie. Wir bitten dich, lass diesen Krieg bald enden, damit wieder Frieden einkehren kann. Wir bitten dich erhöre uns!
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Stefan Lienhart from Österreich wrote on 1. April 2022
Guter Gott, lass alle Beteiligten möglichst schnell eine gute Lösung finden. Wir bitten dich erhöre uns!
Guter Gott,

lass alle Beteiligten möglichst schnell eine gute Lösung finden.

Wir bitten dich erhöre uns!
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Christian Fritzsche, Olt d Res from Österreich wrote on 29. March 2022
Guter Gott, bitte schicke Deinen Hl. Geist zu Putin nach Moskau und lass ihn erkennen, dass er sich mit seiner Mission auf einem Irrweg befindet, der nur Leid und Zerstörung bringt. Guter Gott, wir bitten Dich erhöre uns!
Guter Gott, bitte schicke Deinen Hl. Geist zu Putin nach Moskau und lass ihn erkennen, dass er sich mit seiner Mission auf einem Irrweg befindet, der nur Leid und Zerstörung bringt. Guter Gott, wir bitten Dich erhöre uns!
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Kpl. John Patrick Platzer, Bundesvorstand Chargengesellschaft, Präsident Soldaten mit Herz from Austria wrote on 28. March 2022
A Prayer for Ukraine God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and... Read more
A Prayer for Ukraine

God of peace and justice,
we pray for the people of Ukraine today.
We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons.
We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow,
that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them.
We pray for those with power over war or peace,
for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions.
Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear,
that you would hold and protect them.
We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
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Michaela Schipper-Schauer from Austria wrote on 27. March 2022
Dear God please help our brothers and sisters finding strength and hope in their faith, bless them and accept our prayers for peace. Dear Mother Mary embrace all the fearful and grieving people and gift them with unconditional love. Dear Angels, please protect the desperate and help them to find peace again.
Dear God please help our brothers and sisters finding strength and hope in their faith, bless them and accept our prayers for peace.
Dear Mother Mary embrace all the fearful and grieving people and gift them with unconditional love.
Dear Angels, please protect the desperate and help them to find peace again.
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Mario Immervoll from Austria wrote on 27. March 2022
"The Most Blessed Virgin gave such an effect to the Rosary that there is no problem, material, spiritual, national or international, that cannot be solved by it and by our sacrifice." [„Die allerseligste Jungfrau gab dem Rosenkranz eine solche Wirkung, dass es kein materielles, spirituelles, nationales oder internationales Problem gibt, das nicht durch ihn und durch unser Opfer gelöst werden... Read more
"The Most Blessed Virgin gave such an effect to the Rosary that there is no problem, material, spiritual, national or international, that cannot be solved by it and by our sacrifice."

[„Die allerseligste Jungfrau gab dem Rosenkranz eine solche Wirkung, dass es kein materielles, spirituelles, nationales oder internationales Problem gibt, das nicht durch ihn und durch unser Opfer gelöst werden kann.“]

(Sr. Lucia in Fatima)
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Rosana from Romania wrote on 26. March 2022
Our God, We know that the suffering on earth cannot be compared to the joy that we will experience in Heaven (according to Romans 8:18). And still, we dare to pray for the suffering of our brothers to have an end soon, because what happens to them looks like hell on Earth. We know that you are Just, that the... Read more
Our God,
We know that the suffering on earth cannot be compared to the joy that we will experience in Heaven (according to Romans 8:18). And still, we dare to pray for the suffering of our brothers to have an end soon, because what happens to them looks like hell on Earth.
We know that you are Just, that the Good always wins eventually. And still, we come here begging for your mercy, begging for the war to end as soon as possible. It's heartbreaking to feel that we cannot do nothing while innocent lives are lost. Prayer is our strongest weapon. Therefore, we pray: dear God, SAVE UKRAINE. Wipe the tears of every parent that loses his/her child in this stupid war. Stop the evil forces from controlling people's minds. Reveal your justice on Earth.
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