Soldiers Praying For Peace

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Helmut Bosetti (Wachtmeister/Sergeant) aus Austria schrieb am 3. Juni 2022
I pray for peace not only for Ukraine but also for peace in other countries which do not appear in the news regularly. I pray for wisdom for all the leaders to help end the fighting and suffering. I pray for a near future where it will be possible that people from Ukraine and Russia will live together peacefully. I... Weiterlesen
I pray for peace not only for Ukraine but also for peace in other countries which do not appear in the news regularly.

I pray for wisdom for all the leaders to help end the fighting and suffering.

I pray for a near future where it will be possible that people from Ukraine and Russia will live together peacefully.

I pray for a strong Europe and a strong European Union to sustain peace on our peaceful continent.

I pray for all the people, particularly in Europe, that we learn that peace cannot be taken for granted and that sustaining peace is not for free but requires actions and investments.

Let's pray - and let's learn from history!
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