Soldiers Praying For Peace

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Rosana aus Romania schrieb am 26. März 2022
Our God, We know that the suffering on earth cannot be compared to the joy that we will experience in Heaven (according to Romans 8:18). And still, we dare to pray for the suffering of our brothers to have an end soon, because what happens to them looks like hell on Earth. We know that you are Just, that the... Weiterlesen
Our God,
We know that the suffering on earth cannot be compared to the joy that we will experience in Heaven (according to Romans 8:18). And still, we dare to pray for the suffering of our brothers to have an end soon, because what happens to them looks like hell on Earth.
We know that you are Just, that the Good always wins eventually. And still, we come here begging for your mercy, begging for the war to end as soon as possible. It's heartbreaking to feel that we cannot do nothing while innocent lives are lost. Prayer is our strongest weapon. Therefore, we pray: dear God, SAVE UKRAINE. Wipe the tears of every parent that loses his/her child in this stupid war. Stop the evil forces from controlling people's minds. Reveal your justice on Earth.
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